Sunday, 26 February 2017

MSEDCL duplicate bill



This article provides information about MSEDCL online payment and  explains the procedure to obtain MSEDCL duplicate bill also to register with MSEDCL for new users. The procedure to be followed and requirement to extract the bill is explained below.

Requirements to obtain MSEDCL bill:

·         Tablet, pc, mobile phone, laptop with internet connection.

Procedure for MSEDCL duplicate bill

The procedure is detailed in following steps.

you can also watch this video 


To find your MSEDCL duplicate bill please visit It will display the home page as shown in below.
MSEDCL duplicate bill-home


In home page you should select ‘view & pay online’ option which is located in ‘consumer services’ section. Then the flowing web page appears on your screen.
MSEDCL duplicate bill-view bill


Click on ‘view/pay bill’ as shown in above figure. Then following screen appears.
MSEDCL duplicate bill-details


Here you need to enter your details like consumer type, consumer no and BU.

If your are new user then click on ‘new user register’ tab. Then the following form appears.
MSEDCL duplicate bill-new registration1
MSEDCL duplicate bill-new registration2

If you are an existing user enter the details and click on ‘submit’. Then you can see your bill amount with fewer details.
MSEDCL duplicate bill-html


To take print out of bill along with your bill history please click on ‘view html’. Then the following screen appears with enables you to take print of your bill.
MSEDCL duplicate bill-printable1
MSEDCL duplicate bill-printable2


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